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We Provide Paving Services in

Turlock, Stockton, Sacramento, and Vacaville, CA

(Including Surrounding Areas)


We Provide Paving Services in

Turlock, Stockton, Sacramento, and Vacaville, CA

(Including Surrounding Areas)


We Provide Paving Services in

Turlock, Stockton, Sacramento, and Vacaville, CA

(Including Surrounding Areas)

About Us

Turlock, CA’s Trusted Source for Paving Services

Asphalt and paving projects throughout Turlock, CA depend on service providers with ample experience and skillful execution, which is what Great West Paving offers every customer. For 35 years, we have performed paving services of various types for residential and commercial properties. We have developed exceptional expertise in asphalt paving and repairs, and we apply our knowledge and skillset to every job. From cracks and potholes in your driveway to installing a new parking lot surface, we emphasize getting asphalt service with real value for your money. As a highly driven business, we understand your investment in paving installation, repairs, and seal coating should be affordable without sacrificing quality. That’s why we keep our prices competitive to ensure you can get paving and repairs whenever you need them. Our crew specializes in the asphalt needs of new construction sites, existing homes and businesses, and any other commercial or residential project calling for paving services. Don’t leave your asphalt in the hands of ill-experienced or apathetic contractors. Great West Paving has extensive experience and a dedication to the best quality results.

new parking lot

Serving Your Residential & Commercial Paving Needs

Great West Paving believes our customers deserve the best results on their paving projects. As a family-owned company with ties to the local communities, we appreciate the value of working with honest and fair business practices. Our commitment to top-quality paving and repairs extends to every service we provide home and business owners. We are ready to help if you need a new driveway, parking lot, or another asphalt feature installed on your property. Besides new paving, we offer a diverse list of services to maintain your asphalt. You can count on us for seal coating to restore your pavement’s beautifully dark appearance and extend its life. Crack and asphalt repair are also in our wheelhouse to fix your pavement, instead of repaving it. If resurfacing is necessary, we make sure your new surface is smooth and even, and our grading service gets your property ready for projects like paving and other features. You can also encourage responsible driving in your parking lot and on surface roads with speed bumps, which we install and repair.

Quality Service in Our Local Communities

Great West Paving is available to provide paving services to all the communities from Merced County down to Stockton. We are happy to visit your home or business and perform repairs, seal coating, and installations in Turlock, Modesto, Lodi, Manteca, Tracy, Madera, and Ceres, CA.

Customer Reviews